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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on October 10, 2022
2022-10-10 18:24

Associated Press of Pakistan:According to a report, the energy projects completed under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor have generated so far over 46,000 jobs in Pakistan. I wonder if you have any comment on that?

Mao Ning: I noted the relevant information and the report. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a key pilot project under the Belt and Road Initiative and a landmark project of China-Pakistan cooperation in the new era. Energy is one of the areas with the largest investment, fastest progress and most productive cooperation under CPEC. Our energy cooperation has not only provided Pakistan with clean, stable and high-quality energy for the local economic and social development, but also created a large number of jobs for Pakistan and helped train many talents in the construction, operation and management of various energy projects. This has been highly commended by the Pakistani government and various sectors. 

China is ready to work with Pakistan to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation under the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and make CPEC a demonstration project of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation so as to deliver greater benefits to the people of the two countries and other countries in the region. 

Reuters: Massive explosions shook the Ukrainian capital and other cities in Ukraine this morning in apparent Russian revenge strikes after Russian President Vladimir Putin declared an explosion on the bridge linking Crimea to Russia to be a terrorist attack. What’s China’s comment?

Mao Ning: We noted relevant reports. We hope the situation will deescalate as soon as possible.

The Paper: A recent report released by the US CDC shows that firearm homicide and suicide rates were more than 8% higher in 2021 than they were in 2020, the highest since the early 1990s. What is your comment on this? 

Mao Ning: We have noted the report. We also noted that according to the statistics from Gun Violence Archive, till September 26, 500 mass shootings have taken place this year in the US, in each of which four or more people were killed or injured. Since late September, the US has continued to witness shootings in Texas, Maryland and Arizona.

The report also mentioned that African American people continue to experience the highest firearm homicide rates for every age. Previously, a CDC report showed that African Americans are 12 times more likely to be shot than White Americans. Gun violence, compounded by systemic racism, has taken a significant toll on racial minorities.

The right to life is the most important human right. Whether the US will effectively contain gun violence and seriously protect the right of ethnic minorities is a key yardstick for the international community to measure the US-style democracy and approach to human rights.

Reuters: So just to follow up on the question I just asked about the situation in Ukraine. You just said China hopes the situation will deescalate soon. Is China at all concerned about what’s happening at the moment, in particular these explosions today reported across Ukraine?

Mao Ning: We’ve made clear our position on the Ukraine issue on multiple occasions. We believe that all countries deserve respect for their sovereignty and territorial integrity, that the purposes and principles of the UN Charter should be observed, that the legitimate security concerns of any country should be taken seriously, and that support should be given to all efforts that are conducive to peacefully resolving the crisis. We hope all parties will properly address their differences through dialogue and consultation. China stands ready to continue to play a constructive part in deescalation efforts.

AFP: The DPRK leader said that the DPRK’s recent missile tests included tactical nuclear drills that simulate strikes against the ROK. Do you have any comment?

Mao Ning: We have noted relevant reports. We also noted the continuous large-scale joint military exercises by the US, Japan and the ROK. China’s position on the issues on the Korean Peninsula remains unchanged. We will continue to play a positive role in promoting the political settlement of these issues.

Reuters: Just now, you said that China hopes all parties will play a constructive role in the deescalation effort. Does China believe that the reported array of attacks across Ukraine today are a sort of constructive effort with regard to creating deescalation by Russia?

Mao Ning: I just made clear China’s position on the Ukraine issue. We believe that it’s important for all parties to engage in dialogue and negotiation and jointly work for the deescalation of the situation. 

Reuters: Is China in communications with Russia and Ukraine over the recent escalation in the situation there?

Mao Ning: China maintains communication with all parties. We stand ready to play a constructive part in deescalation efforts.

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