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The Chinese Ambassador to Maldives H.E. Mr. Wang Fukang Attends Celebration of the First Direct Flight of Maldivian Between Nanjing and Male'
2015-02-04 19:36
On 4th February 2015, the Chinese Ambassador to Maldives, H.E. Mr. Wang Fukang and the Managing Director of Island Aviation Mr. Abdul Haris, the Managing Director of Maldives Airports Company Limited Mr. Adil Moosa, were among those who attended the celebration of the first flight between Nanjing and Male'.


 This is the third direct route of the Maldivian to China after starting direct flights to Chongqing and Wuhan. There would be one flight in every five days, and with a stop-over at Bangkok, the whole trip takes approximately nine hours. Thus, eight cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu, Kunming, Wuhan, and Nanjing) in mainland China have direct flights or charter flights to Maldives, making it very convenient for Chinese tourists to visit Maldives. 

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